Help Prevent Illness
Help Prevent Injury
Feel Soooo Good!
Great concessions available
- 3 x 60 mins massages $225 (SAVE $15)
- 5 x 60 mins massages $375 (SAVE $25)
- 10x 60 mins massages $750 (SAVE $50)
Gift vouchers available
Howick Recreation Centre
1st floor, 563 Pakuranga Road
Appointments to Suit
Professional Personal Service
Hours (by appointment please)
- Monday – 10am to 7pm
- Tuesday – 9am to 7pm
- Thursday – 9am to 7pm
- Friday – 9am to 7pm
- Weekend – 9am to 4pm
- Closed on public holidays
Restore your health and well-being through massage
Emotional and environmental stress often result in physical tension. Massage therapy loosens tight muscles and stretches connective tissue, as your body relaxes your mind will easily follow allowing your ‘whole self’ to come into balance.
Also, massage releases endorphins, your body’s natural pain killers. Endorphins create an overall sense of well-being and help manage chronic pain due to illness or injury.
Benefits sedentary workers, computer users and busy folk
- 30 minutes $55
- 45 minutes $65
- 60 minutes $80
- 90 minutes $105
Cash or EFTPOS please
Peter & Pam provide Relaxation, Therapeutic and Deep Tissue massage
Our massage therapy promotes health, relaxation and emotional well-being by increasing circulation and mobility, removing stress, and providing care in a nurturing environment.
Ask about our Southern Cross Certification
Please book online or call/email for your appointment
Peter – (021)-763 404 / (09) 534 7634
Pam – (021)-0359 669
email us